Welcome To GM&F Specialties Ltd.

GM&F Specialties is a major player in the Pharma Industry in Nigeria.

We are wholesalers,
distributors and marketers of pharmaceutical, medical devices and hospital consumables.

We are registered with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria, and hence licensed to operate in
Nigeria. Our suppliers are local/foreign manufacturers, Importers and Nigerian sole
representatives of foreign manufacturers.
We operate at the wholesale level for all products in our inventory.

However, we also deliver
distribution and or marketing services for specific products of suppliers who are our key


Our vision is to be renowned for being a fast-growing, innovative and customer-loving
healthcare company in Nigeria


Our mission is to continuously build a team of excited people, who are working together to
provide quality healthcare products and services in a friendly, timely and orderly fashion,
displaying excellence, efficiency and effectiveness in all that we do.


We want to be known as the triple-E company. This represents:
Excellence: Excellent customer service, putting a smile on our customers faces, each
time they do business with us.

Efficiency: Timeliness and orderliness in all our processes
Effectiveness: Fulfilling our promises, over and over again

friendly online shopping

excellent delivery system

Ordering platform for your convenience

Best distribution practice